יום שישי, 2 בספטמבר 2011

Why R we FAT

We have not inherited the Earth from our fathers
we are borrowing it from our children

Lester R. Brown

The other day I went to the corner store to buy some fruit for my smoothie. Two young girls stood in line in front of me, probably no older than 8 and 10. They looke
d like sisters. They were paying with a credit card that they said was their mother’s, who apparently was waiting outside in the car as one of kids ran out and brought back her identity card to show the cashier.
This was their entire shopping list: 5 individual chocolate milk bags, 1 large milk container, chocolate bars, candy, chips, cookies, diet coke, gum….
It isn’t surprising
that those girls were horribly obese!
Behind me in line was a lady with her son, who seemed about the same age as the girls.
He was slim, though their cart too was filled with refined, processed, boxed, lifeless food: chocolate bars, frozen pizza, white bread, coke …

On all the packaging of those kinds of products,
I think the industry should be required to include a warning:
Consumption promotes obesity and sickness.

And it should be illegal to advertise, sell and feed those kinds of products to young children.

I sometimes have parents contact me, wanting help with their kids’ diet and eating habits.
I feel the real question to ask is this:

What diet are the parents eating?


7 Tips for taking control of your own and your kids’ health:

1. Parents – first focus on your own diet. Seek support if needed.
2. Launch a Family Health Revolution – Decide as a family that you are g
oing to make a change. Have it be fun: broccoli are like little trees; each day eat all the colors of the rainbow …
3. Add more Vegetables and Fruits to the diet.

4. Drink water instead of sodas loaded with sugar.
5. Get the processed junk food out of the house, and upgrade to fresh and dried fruits, nuts, dark chocolate, whole grain snacks, superfood bars ….
6. Eat with awareness: no eating in front of the TV, computer, in the car ….
7. Make physical acti
vities a family focus.


Video of The Month - SuperLife

We are filming the creation of our business: SuperLife
Here is our most recent chapter:
Click to watch

You are welcome to watch chapters 1-10 on YouTube
More chapters are on the way – so stay tuned...


Recipe of The Month
100% Fruit Popsicles

In a blender, blend a combination of fruits
(add a bit of water if needed)

Move to popsicle molds and freeze for a few hours

Here are some ideas, but create your own combinations:
Lemonade, honey and mint
Banana, dates and cacao nibs
Strawberries and banana
Mango and papaya
Grapes and passion fruit
Pineapple and coconut
(picture by Adi Sokol Kaziri)
Enjoy 100% homemade natural fruit popsicles
dairy free, sugar free, food coloring free, additive and stabilizer free

Wishing us all a Healthy Back to School September Month
Don’t borrow your children’s health

Bulletin Board

Our SuperFood Business

click for SuperLife site & products - Ireland
click for SuperLife site & products - Israel

We sell only foods we eat ourselves,
of the highest quality and at great prices.

Use this code: ISR007

to receive a 10% discount
on all your orders.

Please join us on Facebook
You are welcome to click "like"


Free Consultation – for a life of Good Health

I now have long distance consultations – they work GREAT!!!
(on skype or by phone)

So… no matter where you are on the globe: Israel, NYC or China …
if you want to fe
el happier, healthier, more energetic, more inspired, more fulfilled….
If you want to lose some weight
If you would like to learn how to shift to a diet that suits you
Fight sugar cravings
I promise: No diet mentality, No guilt, No counting calories.

Just Fun!!

Please contact me
to schedule a First Free Nutrition Consultation
and we will see how we can work together to help you have the life you deserve!

click here to take the first step


My Cacao Products

click for list of shops in Israel that carry my products


In Healthy Company

Founded by Talya Lewin and Adi Sokol Kazeri
Promoting Health in Corporations and Companies in Israel,
from the belief that: Healthy employees, create a healthier company.
We offer corporations many kinds of different projects, workshops, group activities, guidelines for upgrading the workplace kitchen and dining hall … The sky isn't the limit…

Click for information in Hebrew


Teaching the Future of Nutrition

Are you ready to transform your mind, body and career with a world-class education that supports you on every level?
As you know, I'm a graduate of the world's largest nutrition school,
The Institute for Integrative Nutrition…
They now offer a long distance program.

click to get started

click to find out more (scroll down)

If you have any questions please call me or write to

It changed my life and health, and maybe it will change yours!


Thank you for reading this newsletter!

I would love to hear your comments and questions.
If you have any comments, ideas or anything you would like to share, please post them at the bottom of this newsletter where it says תגובות - responses
It's interactive so we can all be involved.

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It's such a pleasure to help those closest to us become happier and healthier.
Please forward to friends, family members or colleagues, to whomever might be interested and inspired by it.

Before printing, please think of our planet..

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