יום רביעי, 14 במאי 2014

Why We Are Fat

I just watched this great three episode documentary: ‘The Men Who Made Us Fat.’

I really recommend watching it! It's all about the food industry, the obesity crisis, why we eat what we eat, why we are fat, why governments aren’t changing food policies and more.
See the links below.

Do you also feel that you know what you have to do to be healthy and have your body at the right weight for you (“eat more fruits and veg….”), but that you still seem to be struggling?
You aren’t alone! 

So many people seem to be on a diet and are still unhappy with their body weight.

A few important reminders that many of us seem to forget:

1. Read Food Labels
I Always always always tell people not to believe what is printed on food packages. Health is an ever growing business and many food companies are jumping on board the “healthy bus.” Do you feel that everyone is trying to sell us healthy products or make their product be "perceived as healthy”? Don’t believe the product is healthy solely because of the big SELLING words that are written everywhere:  Natural, Healthy, Whole Food, Organic etc….

Make sure you always read the entire list of ingredients on the back of the package! Minimize consumption of foods that have sugar, in its many different names: sorbitol, maltitol, sucrose, glucose, corn syrup, cane sugar, brown sugar, honey (usually wouldn’t be real healthy honey) … as the main ingredient (meaning if it is in the four first ingredients or is written many different times) and especially stay away from High Fructose Corn Syrup!

2. Stay Away From High Fructose Corn Syrup!!! WHY??

High Fructose Corn Syrup is one ingredient that you still find in many products and hopefully in the near future it will disappear off the list. HFCS is one of the main ingredients that made America (and the world is following) fat-obese and sick. Diabetes is one of the illnesses caused by over consumption of sugar, and now shockingly, kids have it too!

HFCS deactivates the hormone Leptin, which tells your brain when we have eaten enough. So you will keep on eating and eating and eating and still stay hungry. Great for the food industry, horrible for us. HFCS is in almost all processed foods, plus also in soda drinks, pizza, cakes, breads, candy bars, salad dressings.

3. Processed food, low in nutrients, will MAKE you overeat!

Our body is designed to eat food and feel satisfied when it has eaten enough. Processed foods, and diet foods as well, are so low in nutrition that you will never feel satisfied and will never be able to just have “one.” Eat real food, and forget about counting the calories. Eat food that will give your body nutrition and notice how you won’t have to eat as much.

Next time you have a meal ask yourself: 
“Was this made in a factory? A laboratory?
Or in a kitchen and is this food pretty close to the way nature made it?” 

Try to cook your own food from scratch. 

Try to order a salad with your meal. 
Drink more water.

4. Stay away from anything that has the words: 

They will all make you


There are a few foodstuffs which people try to cut out of their life in order “to lose weight”, and I say, eat the real version of them!

Eat real healthy oils (like coconut oil, olive oil, nuts, seeds, avocado, real butter). Oils are very important! Without oils you won’t feel full and your body won’t work properly.

Eat real bread (whole grain, spelt, rye) - stay away from all the diet\light breads and crackers – they will make you fat and you will never feel satisfied.

Eat real 70%-85% chocolate – stay away from all the ‘nature valley’, low, diet chocolate, “granola” bars, diet cookies…

Eat fruit instead of cookies and cakes.


I am not extreme. I do drink coffee, I have a little cake, I eat out…
but here are some foods I will never eat or drink:

Soda drinks and pasteurized fruit juices - 100% empty calories
Deep fried foods like donuts, French fries, bagged chips … (100% unhealthy toxic oils)
Foods with toxic food colorings (don’t give those blue candies to your children).
Diet foods (loaded with carcinogenic sweeteners) and will make you very FAT!


The Men Who Made Us Fat - three episodes


    click for part 1  

Wishing us all a healthy anf fun SUMMER


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It changed my life and health, and maybe it will change yours!


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