יום שני, 5 בנובמבר 2012

Homemade Chocolate
and Help - The Sufganiyot are Coming

The cacao bean is a phenomenon, for nowhere else has nature concentrated such a wealth of valuable nourishment in so small a space
Alexander von Humboldt, German scientist

It’s that time in Israel when Chanukah is almost a month away but already Sufganiyot (Chanukah doughnuts, ball-shaped with fillings)
are popping up
like mushrooms after the rain….

The other day I went for a blood test. I arrived 5 minutes before the lab closed. The hall was quiet and empty. In front of me was a young family, with two daughters. The older one, around 10 years of age, was crying hysterically. She was chubby and very unhappy. The father asked his wife: “Remind me… why did we have to do this blood test?”
The mother replied: “We have to check her iron levels - she is very weak and pale”.
Both she and her sister were drinking bottled chocolate milk. The mother took the older girl’s  hand and said” “Let’s go and buy some Sufganiyot”.

As they left, I looked at them, astonished, stopping myself from interfering.
I wanted to ask the parents if it doesn’t don on them that she might be weak and pale due to lack of nutrition…??

Chocolate Covered Dates

and Healthy
Homemade Chocolate

Instead of Sufganiyot I used to sell chocolate covered dates. In the meantime we have stopped making them. But since my close family and I have been missing them,
here is the easiest solution:

- Make some homemade chocolate (recipe below)
- Or melt some really really good dark organic chocolate (in a pot placed in boiling water over a low flame)

- Pit 10-15 Medjool dates
- Dunk into the melted chocolate
- Sprinkle with cacao nibs
- Cool in the freezer for 20 minutes

Mmmmm …
Such a yummy and healthy snack!!


Healthy and Delicious
Homemade Chocolate


1/2 cup of raw cacao butter (or coconut oil)
1/4 cup of cacao nibs\beans(optional)
1 cup of cacao powder (or 1 1/4 cup of powder – no beans)
½-1/3 cup of maple syrup

- Melt butter in a pot over water on a very low flame, make sure not to overheat and destroy some of the great ingredients that are in the raw cacao butter.
- Grind the cacao nibs\beans
- In bowl: combine cacao powder (and ground beans) add maple syrup, melted butter – and mix well
- Mix and place in low pan and refrigerate
Flavors that could be added: goji berries, other berries, dried fruits, nuts, mint, orange peel zest, raisins, coconut, bee pollen, carob, maca (a superfood from Peru – sold as powder), vanilla… or any other creative ideas that you may have.


Exciting News - Last month Google Headquarters in Dublin
ordered our 50g SuperFood Snacks!!

For those of you who have been following us and The Food Works Program in Ireland
We’ve made it into the final twelve participants!
And we’re in the last stage of the program.
Go SuperLife Go!!!

Wishing Us All A Yummy and Healthy Month


Bulletin Board

Your Health Counselling Program
Are you READY to take control of your health?

Incorporate new healthy habits? Eat healthier?
Feel better in your body? Loose a few extra kilos?

Anything else...?

click here to take your first step


Check out our new Dairy, Sugar and Soy Free
50g snacks

The Mini Breakfast Topping
The Protein Snack
The Energy Snack

They are ready to go:
keep in your bag, take to work,
use while travelling or just eat as a snack.

Maximize your health, energy and performance.
100% natural
No artificial colorings, preservatives, or taste enhancers
Dairy and soy free

Click to Order


My Cacao Products 1+1
Click for list of shops in Israel that carry my products:

raw organic cacao beans & cacao nibs
We still
have great discounts
on the roasted nibs (1+1) at:

Zmora health food stores
(in Jerusalem) Teva - Kol health food stores

contact me for bulk orders


Teaching the Future of Nutrition

Are you ready to transform your mind,
body and career with a world-class education that supports you on every level?
As you know, I'm a graduate of the world's largest nutrition school,
The Institute for Integrative Nutrition…
They now offer a long distance program.
click to get started

click to find out more (scroll down)

If you have any questions please call me or write to

It changed my life and health, and maybe it will change yours!


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I would love to hear your comments and questions.
If you have any comments, ideas or anything you would like to share, please post them at the bottom of this newsletter where it says תגובות - responses
It's interactive so we can all be involved.

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It's such a pleasure to help those closest to us become happier and healthier.
Please forward to friends, family members or colleagues, to whomever might be interested and inspired by it.

Before printing, please think of our planet..

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